Oliver L. Peterson : diaries 1895-1951


Oliver L. Peterson : diaries 1895-1951

Daily record of Peterson's farming activity in Petersboro, Utah (1895-1923 and 1941-1951). Includes record of daily farm routine of plowing, planting, harvesting, and winter livestock care. In addition to these entries, he often ended the year with an inventory of equipment, livestock, and the amount of feed that had been put up for the winter. Also includes a record of weather conditions and of natural occurrences, such as earthquakes, and describes the physical geography, flora, and fauna of the Petersboro and Benson (Utah) area, especially for the pre-Cutler Dam Period. Important social and political occurrences are mentioned, but without any comment about his feelings toward those events.

6 boxes; 3 linear ft.


Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Peterson, Oliver Larsen, 1879-1955.

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Oliver Larsen Peterson was born in Logan, Utah in 1879 to Mary and Peter Peterson. Oliver, or O. L. as he was known, and his twin brother Edward were the first of seven children. Shortly after their birth, they moved from Logan to the family dry farm in Petersboro, Utah. This farm, established by their father between 1875 and 1878, was a large dry farm and cattle ranch located on the west side of Cache Valley directly north of Mendon, Utah. It was here that O. L. spent his life as a rancher and ...

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